Monday, October 10, 2011

FINALLY!!! An affordable Parking Bollard
Remote control operated.  Contact me for details.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Access control - a nice way to say "Stay out of my parking space!"  I live across the street from an elementary school.  Nice Mommies and Daddies and Teachers park in front of my driveway, blocking me in or out, on a regular basis.  I don't mind being blocked out so much.  But when someone blocks me in, I lose it.  I used to write a mean letter and stick it to the driver's window with peanut butter. 
I quit that, cause I worried that they would have impaired vision from the smeared peanut butter. 

Click on the picture and see a film of a driveway that is protected by 4 automatic rising bollards and a sliding gate.  Its a beauty of a system.

But if someone parks outside the gate and blocks the exit?  A guard comes out from behind the house with a laser gun and beams him to outer space.

Formidable Entry
PAS 68 Crash Test

WARNING!!! Do not try to crash through this barrier. 
Click this link to see an amazing crash test.  A 7 ton truck is stopped by an automatic rising bollard.

Truck bombs are the weapon of choice by the modern terrorist.  Elgo Team automatic rising bollards can stop a speeding truck.  They raise in seconds. 

They work in all weather conditions, need no drainage, and can even work underwater. 

Elgo makes the top of the line bollards.  Few companies in the world can make a bollard certified both K-12 and PAS 68. 

When you need quality and reliability, you need Elgo Team.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bollard Pulverizes Truck

Here is a fun demonstration of what it means to be PAS68 certified.  Those British Trucks aren't fooling around.  Notice at the end, that the Elgo automatic rising bollard continues to ascend and descend after being hit by a 7 ton speeding truck that could have been filled with explosives.  This is the crash test of the year.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

PAS Test We passed the PAS We are certified in the UK

Elgo Team K-12 bollards stopped the big truck in the UK.  We are now certified in the US, UK, former USSR and ready to take on the world.  The crash test will be on line soon.  We are very excited about this accomplishment because we've been told that the English trucks are built differently and hard to stop. Our automatic rising bollards are the gold standard of security barriers.  Like the famous batteries, they don't stop working.    Take a look at our video clips:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Loop Detector and the Arm Barrier

Friday I rode the new light rail.  It was slow as molasses.  We stopped at every red light.  There is a solution.  The crossing automobile traffic should flow continuously.  A loop detector on the track a block before the intersection can turn on the red light and lower an arm barrier when the train goes by.  That way, traffic will only be held up when the train approaches (every 15 minutes). 

Why didn't the engineers think of that?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Arm Barrier Deluxe

This arm barrier will stop a 4 ton truck speeding at you at 55 MPH.  The 2 cubes are supplied empty.  Once in place, they are filled with concrete.  A driver hitting this gate will not survive. More than that, if too much of the truck passes the gate or too much debris flys through the air, we don't get our certification.   You can view a crash test:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Modern Day Moat

We could have built a moat to protect our castle.  But we installed these automatic rising bollards instead.  People can walk through; but a truck carrying explosives will have to stop.  The push of a button, or a remote control, or a call from a mobile phone will lower one or two or all of these bollards to permit access. The moat was built to stop the hoardes.  ELGO Bollards stop the terrorist.     See video clips of ELGO bollards in action.

Monday, August 29, 2011

We protect the Kremlin.

ELGO  installed 67 K-12 bollards around the Kremlin.  The Russian government uses ELGO bollards for all of its installations.  They need heavy-duty bollards that won't freeze up when its cold.  (Almost always) and won't stop operating when its wet.  An ELGO bollard can operated underwater for up to one hour.  With no pumps. 

Next month I am traveling to Moscow.  I will visit the bollards and film them with my new Galaxy Tab. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I had no idea what a bollards was.  Now I sell them.  A bollard is actually a post.  It is a post that stops traffic.  Place a bollard on a sidewalk, and the car can't drive up and knock people down.  Now, I am a bollard expert.  I know about all kinds of bollards. 

The best bollards are the automatically rising bollards.  Push a button and the big guy jumps up from the ground in 2 or 3 seconds.  Big surprise if you are standing there; but that shouldn't happen because we have safety features to prevent that.  (ouch) 

Bollards generally protect entrances to sensitive sites.  The guard can lower them to admit traffic.  They look nicer that gates.  More modern.  They come in many shapes and sizes.  The Europeans love them and place them at the entrance of bus lanes to keep cars out. 

K-12 bollards can stop a 4 ton truck speeding at 55 MPH.  watch my clip: