Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Access control - a nice way to say "Stay out of my parking space!"  I live across the street from an elementary school.  Nice Mommies and Daddies and Teachers park in front of my driveway, blocking me in or out, on a regular basis.  I don't mind being blocked out so much.  But when someone blocks me in, I lose it.  I used to write a mean letter and stick it to the driver's window with peanut butter. 
I quit that, cause I worried that they would have impaired vision from the smeared peanut butter. 

Click on the picture and see a film of a driveway that is protected by 4 automatic rising bollards and a sliding gate.  Its a beauty of a system.

But if someone parks outside the gate and blocks the exit?  A guard comes out from behind the house with a laser gun and beams him to outer space.

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