Sunday, August 28, 2011


I had no idea what a bollards was.  Now I sell them.  A bollard is actually a post.  It is a post that stops traffic.  Place a bollard on a sidewalk, and the car can't drive up and knock people down.  Now, I am a bollard expert.  I know about all kinds of bollards. 

The best bollards are the automatically rising bollards.  Push a button and the big guy jumps up from the ground in 2 or 3 seconds.  Big surprise if you are standing there; but that shouldn't happen because we have safety features to prevent that.  (ouch) 

Bollards generally protect entrances to sensitive sites.  The guard can lower them to admit traffic.  They look nicer that gates.  More modern.  They come in many shapes and sizes.  The Europeans love them and place them at the entrance of bus lanes to keep cars out. 

K-12 bollards can stop a 4 ton truck speeding at 55 MPH.  watch my clip:

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